Wednesday, December 21, 2011


I did not look up from the paper until there was a light rapping on the front door. I became suddenly enraged because it had disturbed my peace and wrecked a straight line I was drawing. The person standing behind the door (and many other people who knock on doors) has an annoying tendency to knock again because they think I didn't hear them. As I rushed and made my hand to unlock the door, he knocked again. I opened the door and told him it was inhumanly possible for me to open the door in two seconds. He just frowned at me like I was some grumpy old man.

When you draw for eight hours straight because time doesn't exist in many realms, including drawing, you start to mess up a lot, your body and mind will feel as if you haven't slept in days. A sudden interruption will shove you into a pit of rage and there is nothing you can do about it. Then when you are rushing to open the door before the person standing outside decides two seconds is too long to wait and knocks again, your cup of lovely orange juice is kicked over and you can't help but scream.

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