Monday, January 24, 2011

After the storm...

I've calmed a few, reaching that balance point I'm always at where I feel everything at once, all at an even rate. Before I was confused thinking that I couldn't feel anything, nope u____u everything. At this point in time, I am not preferring any color over any other color. Everyday I would see which color is more pleasing/attracts my attention more over the other. Usually it is pink. Today nothing fits and it bothers me.

Color is drained from my face leaving me grey, my hair is unruly and fragile. I have stopped taking the pills about two weeks ago. My hair is starting to fall out again. I am unhealthy and there's not much I can do about it. Anemia is untreatable. Sleeping habits, diet and mood can not be helped. I've tried. I have to stick to pills and meditation if I want to keep a head of hair.

I'm reading my left palm without a book or reference, and the life line says (according to me), that at the age 31/32 I will be struck with some disease or something very life threatening. If I'm able to avoid that then mid-forties or mid-thirties I will encounter an enemy of some sort and will have another life threatening event. If I can get passed that then I will live pretty damn long if I can avoid car accidents and large bodies of water. Guess how I read that. Guess. I look at the lines and every time I hit a mark I would have flashes and that is what I saw from it.

My right palm says in my fifties I will die and project outwards, learn a lot and then come back. Then I will have another near death experience a few years after, the death will be very painful and I will probably forget that I'm projecting and there's a chance I might die because I've been dead too long. Then I'll come back, twenty or so years later I'll have a stroke or something, I'll survive that, three-five years later I'll get some rare illness.

Alright. I understand the differences between the two palms to read. The right palm is under my control. Left palm is under control through the elements, planets, etc. I... Need to start getting healthy to avoid death by illness. ARGH.

Anyone up for their palms to be read?

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